Ethereum wallet taking forever to sync
Ethereum wallet taking forever to sync

ethereum wallet taking forever to sync

I believe ETH is suffering somewhat from its own success it's grown faster than the developers ability to keep up. And as the amount of miners increases along with the complexity of chain structures this process becomes more burdened over time. The generation + communication causes a lag sufficiently large so that most connections/computers cannot keep up. The issue with the final set of blocks seems to be that new blocks (with associated chain structures) are constantly being generated (mined) and that the details of those blocks need to be communicated to peers before being up-loadable to your computer. I understand that ETH comes with more technical capabilities but this tech -which I greatly appreciate -cannot come at such a burden as to undermine its most basic functions.This issue has me-and I'm sure millions of others across the globe-questioning the synergy of complex tech with practicable money.

ethereum wallet taking forever to sync

Most people-including me-don't feel comfortable deleting folders and uploading unfamiliar apps to move and/or access large sums of their personal money.Doing this without the element of personal wealth at stake would be quite different. Others have also suggested using parity or some other (unfamiliar) application to expedite the process.Let me be clear folks: we're dealing with 100's if not 1000's of dollars worth of ETH in these accounts. We want our ETH visible, transferable AND secure. Nevermind the security risks associated with this. This flaw absolutely undermines the current value of ETH relative to other crypto (i.e. I have seen many suggest using third party wallets but that will not work for my situation given that I mistakenly transferred my ETH from coinbase to my ETH wallet prior to syncing.In addition, I find that a system which requires a third party solution for something as fundamental as access to a wallet is critically flawed. To say this is frustrating is a monumental understatement. That said, any progress appears to have stalled as the rate of syncing new blocks has slowed to the approximate rate of the creation of new ones. After approximately 5 days of syncing, closing the app and reopening I am finally within 100 blocks of syncing. Apparently this is a frequent issue that has been plaguing ETH developers for years, based on my recent search queries.I come here with the same problem as mentioned above.

Ethereum wallet taking forever to sync